It's kinda strange letting everyone into my world of thoughts. When I stop to think about what I'm actually doing and realize that I've been keeping this YouTube adventure rolling, steadily, for more than one year now; every week, without fail: 57 weeks and growing, I'm a bit shocked. This is like my personal journal that I'm letting everyone read. LOL! What kind of journal is that? Obviously, it's not a very private one. LOL! Yeah, I'm just sharing with my outward conscience that I call: "The World"! Or, is this more like a blog? I guess this like a blog ... with music! My good friend, Anne Marie, suggested that I start blogging and, I guess, I already have. =)
Every week, I upload my cover for a song that holds significance within my life and I give my cover purpose by opening my heart to our world. Not to sound like I'm patting myself on the back, but ... Okay, well, maybe I am. ;) Actually, I'm gleefully surprised at myself! I knew that I was long-winded, but spending every moment that I don't have, developing my videos and relating each video to personal experiences, or personal reflections? Who am I kidding? I'm exhausted. I'm gleefully exhausted for being long-winded! I'm also afraid of the future. I think to myself, "How can I possibly keep this up?" That's obviously a rhetorical question. I have no clue. I'm not sure where I'm going with all of these small windows into my soul. I'm just going. Fleeting thoughts, remember (56th post)? Or, are they fleeting, at all? Well, I do have serious motivation. Many people have thanked my wife for allowing me to share myself on YouTube. My poor wife ... She is patient with all of this; very generous too. I know that she'd rather have me dedicate every spare moment of my time, to her, and our children, exclusively. I would gladly do so. In fact, that's what I was doing before YouTube -- dedicating all of my love to my wife and children, and sleeping too. I do love to sleep. I still am; dedicating all of my love to my wife and children, that is. You better believe it! The sleeping part is another story, though. I do miss sleeping. The hours before midnight belong to my Blessed life. After midnight, I spread my wings and create. But, God Bless my wife, she knows that I'm a social butterfly that needs to spread its wings. I've always had so much to share. And, that serious motivation, that driving force, will always be my children. My children are young. They haven't read anything that I've written, thus far. That's how I want it to be until each one of my three children discover what I've done, on their own terms. Nothing compares to self-discovery. I'm hoping that they'll be blown away. I'm already imagining the day when I refer to one of my videos and the corresponding "blog", as my personal testimony for their reflection. I'll say to my children, "Go to video #021 and you'll learn that ..." As for this video, this will be the one that specifically points out the fact that I'm always motivated by my children. Ever, Emersen, and Cara, are my inspiration for continuing this journey. Ever, Emersen, Cara ... I want all of you to remember this particular time in your life. I hope that you'll always remember. Each one of you reminds me every day, of the priceless value, and of the undeniable resilience, of the spirit of your love. Because I witness the JOY that is you, I've uncovered my own youth and I've rediscovered the child within me. That's why Neil Diamond's "Hello Again" is perfect for all of you, and for me, as well. So, "Hello Again ..." Where ever you are, I'm always with you. From Wikipedia: Neil Diamond released the single of "Hello Again" (with "Amazed and Confused" on the flip side) on January 31, 1981. It reached as high as number 3 on the U.S. Adult Contemporary chart and number 6 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100.
AuthorAs for this video, this will be the one that specifically points out the fact that I'm always motivated by my children. ArchivesCategories |