Now, where was I? Oh yes … continuing where I left off from my blog last week, I have to clarify that a total of eight RTs were nominated for‘RT of the Year’; four from days and four from nights. Last Sunday evening, two candidates claimed the honor of ‘RT of the Year’ intending to represent the two shifts! I’m so happy to announce (I’m so proud of my wife!) that my wife received one of those honors! YAYYYYYYY! This is an honor that begins with peer evaluations and is an extraordinary way to promote continued excellence. Where are my pom poms? Give me a ‘C’! Give me an ‘A’! Give me a ‘T’! Give me an ‘H’! Give me an ‘E’! (WAIT … huff, puff … I need a breath! Gasp.) Give me an ‘R’! Give me an‘I’! Give me an ‘N’! Give me an ‘E’! What does that spell!?! ‘RT of the Year’! HURRAY! Sorry, no cartwheels from me. And, get your mind outta da gutter. I don’t wear miniskirts!!! Psh-AAAA!!!!
My wife describes herself as a hard worker and she is. She does what needs to be done with the highest level of integrity. No compromise! And, that’s exactly what I EXPECT from any health care professional. The thing is that these traits are not limited by work conditions. These traits are a lifestyle. Live it! Live it LARGE! HECK, we only have one lifetime on this testing ground under these particular conditions. Every moment is significant and unique. If one thing is certain in this world, it’s that no moment is exactly the same, regardless of time shifts or parallel dimensions. So, seize every moment and make the most out of each one. Sounds exhausting? Well, it is, but the rewards are immeasurable. In fact, the rewards often include energy boosts sparked by motivation, desire, passion, and everything else that fuels Excellence. Once these sparks take over and fully ignite, it doesn’t matter how much energy is consumed. All that matters are the desired results. And, THAT’S the Best that any person can do! I continually remind my children that we have to appreciate every moment of our lives. There is no future without the present and today is here because of the past. Duh …BUT, and that’s a BIG BUT (hee hee), the success of the past and the future depend entirely on the quality of every moment. Therefore, today is the key to both the past and the future. Putting everything into every moment ensures a strong foundation for building a fruitful tomorrow. Living at anything less than full output will produce mediocre results and obviously, the future in store for that scenario is less than desirable. The good thing is that IT IS NEVER TOO LATE to build a stronger foundation or to build a fruity tomorrow … Wait, a more fruitful tomorrow. BUT, in order to do so, IT ALL BEGINS NOW! That’s right! I tell my children and I tell them often. Sometimes it takes baby steps and baby steps are better than no steps. Sometimes, those steps will be taken through mud and sand and puddles and adverse conditions that will slow progress, and a few steps may be taken backwards, but just as long as a new step is taken forward with real intentions that only the Power That Be knows within the depth of each soul, well, those are significant and unique steps taken forward. No one and nothing can take that progress away. ALWAYS MAKE THE EFFORT!!!!!!! ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST!!!!!!! COME ON NOW!!!!!!! I Celebrate my wife every day by giving my unwavering love and dedication to her. I Celebrate my children too. I am their dedicated cheerleader and I make every effort to bolster their progress and carry them when needed in order to help them take those steps forward. As our Lord God in Heaven is the One supporting us with His figurative footprints in the sand, I will be the tangible set of footprints supporting my loved ones when they are in need. They are “my everything” and I know that the waves they are making are positively impacting everyone and everything around them. Imagine a world full of people positively impacting everyone and everything around them! Bold dream, but that’s the ONLY way. It all begins with that first step … a baby step. This week I’m celebrating with a taste of progressive rock that became a hit in 1974! But, it didn’t actually become a hit without a Chicago DJs determination to make it a hit! Please read below. This week, my cover of “Lady” from the Awesome band Styx is the continuation of my cover last week of “Lady” made popular by Kenny Rogers. Both songs sharing the same title are celebrating the Incredible Awesomeness that my wife truly IS! From Wikipedia: In 1974, "Lady" was written by Dante Vallozzi and then-Styx keyboardist and founding member Dennis DeYoung for his wife, Suzanne Feusi, the first song he ever wrote for her. It was first released on Styx II and was a local hit in the band's native Chicago, but initially failed to chart nationally. DeYoung recounted to Contemporary Keyboard magazine for the January 1981 issue that the first time he ever played acoustic piano was when the band arrived at the recording studio to record "Lady" and saw the piano in the studio; DeYoung had written the song on an electric piano, but decided to try it out on the piano instead, and liked the sound so much that he switched to the piano for the recorded version. It didn't get much promotion and went nowhere, until a DJ named Dick Biondi on WLS in Chicago who was determined to make it a hit played the song every night at 8pm, until it became a national hit. The song gained success shortly after Styx left Wooden Nickel Records to move to A&M Records in 1974 as it began picking up airplay nationwide, eventually peaking at #6 on the Billboard Top 40. The track was later re-recorded for the 1995 Styx compilation Greatest Hits due to a contractual dispute between A&M and Wooden Nickel.
AuthorThis week, my cover of “Lady” from the Awesome band Styx is the continuation of my cover last week of “Lady” made popular by Kenny Rogers. Both songs sharing the same title are celebrating the Incredible Awesomeness that my wife truly IS! ArchivesCategories |