I’m often telling my children that, when given choices, it’s
Always harder to make “good” choices. And, it’s Always easier to make“bad” choices. It’s a matter of fact. Life is designed this way. All of the parts seem to add up to the idea that Life is a test for Greater things to come. Some would definitely scoff at the idea and say that there is nothing more than “we”. I beg to differ. And, “we” are all entitled to our own opinions. Through my personal experiences, I Believe what I Believe because I Believe. I Always state the obvious in order to make my points clear to my children. “There are two rooms. Walls stand between you and the next room, but there’s a doorway. Are you going to move through the doorway in order to get to the other room? Or, are you going to go through the wall?” Of course, they say with their collective voice, in an Eeyore, melancholic way, “ … through the dooooooor.” “If you see someone banging their head on the wall, are you going to bang your head on the wall too?” “noooo …” “And, why not?” “Because it would hurt …” “If you’re in front of a campfire, are you going to touch it?” “noooo …” “And, why not?” “Becaaause, you’d get burnnnned.” For MOST people, the obvious dictates obvious solutions. Unfortunately, some people just don’t get it; whatever IT is. Regardless, life doesn’t work with the obvious very well. Life throws a lot of curve balls, right? Knowing this, it’s my responsibility as a parent to nurture my children. By having children, I’ve dedicated my life to so much more than myself. By having children, I’ve undertaken the role of being the Greatest Role Model for my children. (Like it or not, this is true for EVERY PARENT. Don’t fool yourself, if you think otherwise.) By having children, I’m committed to being my Very Best and doing my Very Best, ESPECIALLY in the face of adversity. I Am a Parent: the Greatest Teacher for My Children. I can choose to be a Good Teacher. I can choose to be a bad teacher. I Choose Good; especially in the Face of Adversity! When my children are fatigued after a long week, or when a cold plagues their senses, or when tempers are short, in the Face of Adversity, when I’m fatigued after a long week (and it’s only Monday), or when a cold plagues my senses, or when my temper is short, in the Face of Adversity, I’m often reminding my children that we ALL have to do our Very Best, especially in the Face of Adversity, when Our Very Best Matters Most. I say, “It’s Always easier to be happy when everything is going well. It’s Always easier to shine when the skies are blue. It’s Always easier to be nice when happiness is all around. But, right now, at this very moment, you’re not happy. Right now, you have choices to make. Are you going to make good choices? Or … bad choices?” And, through the tears and frustrations, calm sets in; followed by tentative nods of acknowledgement. “Good choices.” It’s NOT easy. Throw in temptation and let’s make things even more complicated! The idiom“The pot calling the kettle black” comes to mind. I’m no saint and I’m just as guilty as my children for making mistakes. Life is also designed this way. That’s human nature, prone to make mistakes. Temptation just exacerbates every situation when the best choices to be made are not clear. Thankfully, spirits are resilient; especially the spirit of a child. I remember my childhood. I remember my mistakes. When some degree of punishment is required after the countless warnings, after the constant efforts, after the punishments already given for the same mistakes made over and over, I remember the mercy that is/has been given to me for my own transgressions; mercy and compassion. If Perfection ever existed, Perfection would know how to make good choices and it would no longer be a matter of “good” or“bad”. I have to continually remember and use wisdom because my children are my responsibility. Mercy and compassion must guide my actions as I ask the same for myself when I am weak. And, when difficult choices need to be made, I also need the strength to make those difficult choices; always trying to make the Best choices possible; choices often made for the long run and not for immediate gratification. “Take Me Out of the Dark” is a song from my Favorite Entertainer of All Time: Gary Valenciano. I hope that the music and lyrics of “Take Me Out of the Dark” will inspire thought for something very uncomfortable to face: Adversity and the temptation to take the easy way out. Don’t do it. In the face of adversity, DON’T give in to temptation and DON’T take the easy way out. (Well, not all temptation is bad, especially when guided by wisdom.) ALWAYS MAKE THE EFFORT and choose wisely. This blog was inspired by events that I’m facing right now with my son, Emersen. I Always tell Emersen, as I do for my three children, “No matter what, I ALWAYS LOVE YOU. THAT will never change.” In spite of the trials and tribulations we face together, I hold Emersen tightly in my arms and reassure him that my love is INFINITE for him. I will ALWAYS make the effort to guide and love and nurture my children as best as I can. The reward for me, the Greatest Reward of All, is the Giant Hugs in return, fueled by the Obvious Love my children have for ME. THAT is what matters MOST. Imagine what a child will accomplish fueled by an Infinite Source of Love. Yes, imagination can be limited by what we know as adults … but not for a child. Anything and Everything IS Possible! You know it! =P
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