Hope is the child in all of us that aspires. Hope is the child in all of us that desires ... with anticipation. Hope is also the innocence the represents the child in all people; a name for that wide-eyed astonishment; a feeling and not a thought. Hope keeps that child-like innocence ALIVE and BeAtInG rhythmically, inspiring people to persevere and make dreams come true. Boundless and timeless, Hope is only limited by the imagination of those who Hope. With greater imagination, greater dreams become reality. The devout, and the scientist, Hope for the same purpose. Hope is not limited by an ideology. Hope is the catalyst for success! Hope is the reason why people look forward. Hope is also the reason why people move forward. Hope can also be tempered by uncertainty. With uncertainty, comes doubt. The future is uncertain. The past is done. The present is the time for Hope. And though most people are already aware of Hope, Hope can seem fleeting, playing favorites when all Hope seems lost. How does the soul manage Hope? "I hope my cookies will turn out perfectly, this time." "I hope mom and dad will spend more time with me." "I hope Santa will bring me the Zhu Zhu pets hamster babies Butter Cheeks with the pink diapers!" "I hope that I'll get the job, this time ..." "I hope Santa will bring me the Bakugan: Defenders of the Core game because I know that the fate of humankind is in my hands!" "I hope God is taking care of mommy, now." "I hope that the doctor is right and the cancer is gone." "I hope that the bad man will stay away from me." "I hope that our baby will be healthy when he's born." "I hope that we can keep our home." "I hope that my prayers will be answered." Hope means different things to different people. Hope is used for many reasons. Hope is not tangible. Hope cannot be captured or harnessed. Hope is a power. Hope has a power. Hope has the power to heal. Hope has the power to give strength. Hope has the power to make dreams come true. Hope can be whatever you would like Hope to be. All you have to do is Hope. 2011 is around the corner. The New Year's Celebration often inspires Hope. At the same time, the New Year can make those who face hopelessness, even more distressed. Believe it, or not, Hope is what it is. The eye of the beholder can see the same Hope as darkness, or light. Those who perceive Hope in darkness, feel abandonment. Those who perceive Hope in light, feel confidence. Either way, the power of Hope is Great. Yet, Hope is what it is. Hope. Believe it, or not, the Power of Hope begins with each and every one of us. It is the soul that controls the type of power that is fueled by Hope. Even in despair, the individual soul chooses. All souls have free will. FREE WILL is the POWER of HOPE! Regardless of circumstances, or influences, choose wisely. Let the constructive power of Hope give strength for all in need of Hope. "I hope that she'll say, yes ..." "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?" is the perfect song. It represents, BOTH the Hope that cherishes a desire with anticipation and the uncertain outcome clouded by not knowing what the future has in store. We just have to Hope for the Best. From Wikipedia: Frank Henry Loesser (June 29, 1910-- July 28, 1969) was an American songwriter who wrote the scores to the Broadway hits 'Guys and Dolls' and 'How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying', among others. He won separate Tony Awards for the music and lyrics in both shows, as well as sharing the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for the latter. He also wrote numerous songs for films and Tin Pan Alley, many of which have become standards, and was nominated for five Academy Awards for best song, winning once for "Baby, It's Cold Outside". Frank Loesser wrote "What are You Doing New Year's Eve?" in 1947.
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