For Christmas 2007, I surprised most of my family and friends,
with my first CD, given away as a present! I had finally found a real way to share my love for music. I was led to J Studios, owned by Joel Mallari, who schooled me in the ways of professional audio recordings. On October 4, 2007, I experienced my first studio session. By October 24, 2007, after seven sessions, I had finished recording as many as 17 covers, but I felt that 13 tracks were good enough to present. When I walked into the studio, for the first time, I thought that I would give my very best, confident that I would produce some amazing music. But, after my first session, I walked out with my knees buckled, and my confidence shaken. Also, for the first time, I was exposed to the truth about creating music. Like time, machines provide no mercy. I successfully produced every note, without exception. Carrying the tune was not the problem. What became painfully clear during playback, was my inability to successfully “tell the story” that transforms ordinary music, into something SPECIAL! I did manage to be “satisfied”,with 3 of the 6 tracks that I had recorded, over a 3.5 hour period, during my first session. But, that’s just it. I wasn’t EXCITED about what I had done. I understand that we are our own worst critics, but the recorded audio didn’t cover the truth with niceties. It’s no surprise to me that the three tracks I did keep, were songs that I had been singing for many years. I understood their stories, well enough. But, for the songs that I didn’t know so well, I had to learn quickly. Joel did a great job in helping me fulfill a lifelong dream, by “immortalizing” a sample of my love for music. I’m the one who discovered that I had a long way to go before I could ever become an outstanding performer. For a few months, after I had given my CD as gifts, I struggled with my dissatisfaction for my“debut”. Joel provided spectacular support for presenting the “real” me. That IS exactly what Joel brought to light for ME. Once I overcame my ego, I realized that I needed to become a better student of music. I learned that I wasn’t very good at all. Even now, I continue to pursue excellence, hoping to continually improve upon what I learn, from embracing my love for music. Regardless, I am very proud to present what I did help to produce. In reality, my debut CD turned out well. In fact, I’m receiving an UNBELIEVABLE amount of positive feedback for all of my covers. With regards to “Uncover This”, a dance studio owner in Sweden asked for my permission to use my cover of “I Need to Know” in her studio! I gleefully responded with a humble “thank you”. People have been asking to buy my CD. I’m receiving countless WONDERFUL compliments for which I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL. “Many Thanks” to all who are taking time to enjoy what I have to offer. I truly appreciate your attention to me. From my debut CD, “Uncover This”, I’ve already posted four tracks on YouTube. I recorded a “live” performance for Josh Groban’s “You Raise Me Up” and presented the updated version as my 25thvideo post. For my 28th video post, I presented my cover for Marc Anthony’s “I Need to Know”, as it is on my CD. For my 31st video post, I tearfully presented a “live” performance for my cover of Josh Groban’s “To Where You Are”, in honor of the 11th Memorial for my mom passing into our Lord God's Kingdom in Heaven. And, for my 33rdvideo post, I was honored to present my cover for Michael Martin Murphey’s“Wildfire” as a dedication for a YouTube friend, in honor of her friend who had recently succumbed to his battle with cancer. I created a visual story in order to enhance the presentation. Presently, for my fifth track from “Uncover This”, I was inspired to present another visual story for my cover of Stephen Bishop’s “On and On”. I hope that you’ll enjoy it. I will definitely post more tracks from “Uncover This”, in a variety of forms, so please look forward to those videos. From Wikipedia: Stephen Bishop is an American singer-songwriter, actor, and guitarist. Bishop was born in San Diego, California. He had a major hit in 1977 with the song "On and On," which was a #11 hit in the U.S.
AuthorFrom my debut CD,“Uncover This”, I’ve already posted four tracks ... ArchivesCategories |