Well ... after staying away from YouTube for nearly eight months, gentle encouragement and the voice inside my head finally persuaded me to become active on YouTube once again. I can't deny the fact that YouTube reaches millions of people around the world instantaneously. My website is a wonderful vehicle for what I'm doing. I'm getting hundreds of daily visitors, but spreading my love for life through this website alone is not reaching the number of people that I desire. Though I'm basically starting over on YouTube, I will begin anew and continue my journey to share my Blessings with others who would appreciate what I'm doing. Of course, all of this still serves my original purpose for posting videos and blogs on YouTube in the first place. My wife and my children are my inspiration. I pray that all of this will remain intact for as long as YouTube continues to reach great numbers of people around the world. And, with continued exposure, I pray that my website develops into a source of inspiration for everyone dedicating some of their valuable time on lazarolivingdream.com.
My featured cover of pop music will be presented under this tab, but since I'm still working on uploading my YouTube archive, I haven't posted anything new yet. My first post-YouTube video will be one to celebrate Christmas! Following that video I intend to post a bittersweet cover with a New Year's theme. It's one that my good friend, Mark Thomas, has been anticipating for some time now. After those two videos, I have a handful of covers to present that were originally intended for YouTube. "Too bad for YouTube!" is what I say. =P
Beyond those videos, only time will tell ... |
AuthorMy pop music covers are on YouTube once again! Stay tuned for more and more and more!!!!!!! ArchivesCategories |